
Stevedore is a tool for building Docker images at scale, and it is not intended to replace Dockerfile or Buildkit. Instead, Stevedore can be used in conjunction with these tools to help streamline the process of building and promoting multiple Docker images.

One of the key benefits of using Stevedore is that it provides a consistent way to build Docker images and its descendant images, which can be helpful when dealing with large and complex projects that require multiple images. You can also create a more efficient and automated process for building and promoting Docker images.

Overall, Stevedore is a useful tool for anyone who needs to build and manage large numbers of Docker images, and it can help to improve the experience of building and promoting Docker images at scale.

Why stevedore?

Stevedore simplifies the building of Docker images in a standardized way, with the ability to define relationships between them.

You can build images from multiple sources, including local files and git repositories, and generate automatic tags for semantic versioning.

Stevedore also offers a credentials store for easy authentication to Docker registries and AWS ECR, making image promotion and pushing seamless.



Build your Docker images in a standardized way. Create a Dockerfile and reuse it for as many use cases as needed

Relatives build

Automate the building of related Docker images by defining their relationships and dependencies


Store credentials to log in to your Docker registry, AWS Elastic Container Registry, or Git server


Easily promote or copy Docker images from one registry to another using Stevedore’s image promotion feature

Semver awareness

Automatically generate tags for semantic version 2.0.0 when building Docker image

Multiple build contexts

Build your images using multiple build context sources. Use local files, a git repository, or merge several sources

Getting Started

Welcome to Stevedore getting started guide, that section describes how to start building Docker images using Stevedore

Reference guide

Welcome to the reference guide section of Stevedore. This guide is designed to provide you with detailed information about the Stevedore components


Discover a variety of practical examples that showcase the capabilities and usage of Stevedore

Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to Stevedore

Documentation v0.10

Explore the documentation for Stevedore v0.10

Documentation v0.11

Explore the documentation for Stevedore v0.11

Last modified December 27, 2023: markdown linter (c2b6160)