
This page describes how you can build your first bunch of Docker images with Stevedore

Download and install stevedore

Stevedore has been developed and tested on amd64 architecture and Linux os, for that reason the only available tarball is for amd64-Linux tarball. In case you are running another arch or os, you could build it from the source.

Install from tarball

  1. Achieve Stevedore’s tarball
curl -sL https://github.com/gostevedore/stevedore/releases/download/v0.10.3/stevedore_v0.10.3_Linux-x86_64.tar.gz > stevedore_v0.10.3_Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  1. Untar the package
tar xzfv stevedore_v0.10.3_Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  1. You create a symlink to Stevedore’s binary
ln -sf ${PWD}/stevedore /usr/local/bin/stevedore

Install from source

  1. Clone Stevedore’s repository
git clone https://github.com/gostevedore/stevedore.git
  1. Build Stevedore’s code
make build

You can run make tar to generate a tarball within the dist folder.

Use Goreleaser to create a snapshot

In case you want to use Goreleaser to generate a snapshot you can run make snapshot.

Initialize the stevedore project

stevedore init


Create stevedore configuration file

  stevedore init [flags]


  -C, --build-on-cascade                             On build, start children images building once an image build is finished. Its default value is 'false'
  -b, --builder-path-file string                     Builders location path. Its default value is 'stevedore.yaml'
  -d, --credentials-dir string                       Location path to store docker registry credentials. Its default value is 'credentials'
  -p, --credentials-password credentials-regristry   Docker registry password. It is ignored unless credentials-regristry value is defined
  -r, --credentials-registry-host string             Docker registry host to register credentials
  -u, --credentials-username credentials-regristry   Docker registry username. It is ignored unless credentials-regristry value is defined
  -s, --enable-semver-tags                           Generate extra tags when the main image tags is semver 2.0.0 compliance. Its default value is 'false'
      --force                                        Force to create configuration file when the file already exists
  -h, --help                                         help for init
  -l, --log-path-file string                         Log file location path. Its default value is '/dev/null'
  -P, --no-push-images                               On build, push images automatically after it finishes. Its default value is 'true'
  -w, --num-workers int                              It defines the number of workers to build images which corresponds to the number of images that can be build concurrently. Its default value is '4' (default -1)
  -T, --semver-tags-template strings                 List of templates which define those extra tags to generate when 'semantic_version_tags_enabled' is enabled. Its default value is '{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}.{{ .Patch }}'
  -t, --tree-path-file string                        Images tree location path. Its default value is 'stevedore.yaml'

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path

Load credentials, in case you need

stevedore create credentials


Create stevedore docker registry credentials

  stevedore create credentials [flags]

  credentials, auth

  -d, --credentials-dir string   Location path to store docker registry credentials (default "/home/aleix/.config/stevedore/credentials")
  -h, --help                     help for credentials
  -p, --password string          Docker registry password
  -r, --registry-host string     Docker registry host to register credentials
  -u, --username string          Docker registry username

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path

Define builders

Refer to builders reference guide

Define the images tree

Refer to images tree reference guide

Start building

stevedore build


Build images

  stevedore build <image> [flags]

  -b, --builder-name string            Intermediate builder's container name [only applies to ansible-playbook builders]
  -C, --cascade                        Build images on cascade. Children's image build is started once the image build finishes
  -d, --cascade-depth int              Number images levels to build when build on cascade is executed (default -1)
  -L, --connection-local               Use local connection for ansible [only applies to ansible-playbook builders]
      --debug                          Enable debug mode to show build options
  -D, --dry-run                        Run a dry-run build
  -S, --enable-semver-tags             Generate a set of tags for the image based on the semantic version tree when main version is semver 2.0.0 compliance
  -h, --help                           help for build
  -I, --image-from string              Image (FROM) parent's name
  -N, --image-from-namespace string    Image (FROM) parent's registry namespace
  -R, --image-from-registry string     Image (FROM) parent's registry host
  -V, --image-from-version string      Image (FROM) parent's version
  -i, --image-name string              Image name- It overrides image tree image name
  -v, --image-version strings          Image versions to be built. One or more image versions could be built
  -H, --inventory string               Specify inventory hosts' path or comma separated list of hosts [only applies to Ansible builders]
  -l, --limit string                   Further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern [only applies to Ansible builders]
  -n, --namespace string               Image's registry namespace where image will be stored
  -P, --no-push                        Do not push the image to registry once it is built
  -w, --num-workers int                Number of workers to execute builds
  -r, --registry string                Image's registry host where image will be stored
  -T, --semver-tags-template strings   List templates to generate tags following semantic version expression
  -s, --set strings                    Set variables to use during the build. The format of each variable must be <key>=<value>
  -p, --set-persistent strings         Set persistent variables to use during the build. A persistent variable will be available on child image during its build and could not be overwrite. The format of each variable must be <key>=<value>
  -t, --tag strings                    Give an extra tag for the docker image

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
Last modified March 26, 2023: change header image (ef70c3b)