
Load the credentials you require to the store to build Docker images

Credentials allow users to securely store authentication information, such as access keys, tokens, passwords, and SSH keys. These credentials can be used to authenticate with Docker registries and Git servers, allowing users to push and pull images and code securely and with ease.

Stevedore uses the credentials store to persist and retrieve credentials during the Docker building process.

Credentials keywords reference

A credential is a data structure with a defined schema. Although it is possible to create a credential manually, it is recommended to use the Stevedore CLI to ensure that the credential follows the correct schema.

The following table describes the credentials attributes.

KeywordTypeDescriptionDefault value
aws_access_key_idstringIs the AWS Access Key ID, a unique identifier for the AWS account that is used to authenticate and authorize API requests made to AWS services.-
aws_regionstringSpecifies the AWS region associated with the credentials. The region is used to route requests to the appropriate endpoint for the resource.-
aws_role_arnboolSpecifies the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to assume when using the credentials. This attribute is expected to be used when the aws_use_default_credentials_chain attribute is set to true.false
aws_secret_access_keystringThis is a sensitive credential attribute that represents the Secret Access Key associated with an AWS account.-
aws_profilestringThis is the name of the AWS profile to use when authenticating with AWS.-
aws_shared_credentials_fileslist(string)Specifies the path to the shared credentials file to use. This attribute is expected to be used when the aws_use_default_credentials_chain attribute is set to true.-
aws_shared_config_fileslist(string)Is a list of shared config files to use. It is used when aws_use_default_credentials_chain attribute is set to true.-
aws_use_default_credentials_chainboolWhen set to true, enables the use of the default credentials chain provided by the AWS SDK. This chain specifies a series of possible locations and methods for the SDK to find and use credentials, such as environment variables, shared credential files, or IAM roles. By setting this attribute to true, you can leverage the same default behaviour used by the SDK to automatically discover and load credentials, without having to manually specify each one. For more information on the default credentials chain, you can refer to the official AWS SDK documentation at
docker_login_passwordstringDEPRECATED: It will be removed on version 0.12.0
Password password for basic auth method.
docker_login_usernamestringDEPRECATED: It will be removed on version 0.12.0
Username username for basic auth method.
idstringIs the credential identifier.-
passwordstringThis attribute provides the password for the basic authentication method. It can be used to authenticate with either a Docker registry or a Git server, allowing Stevedore to securely access and retrieve the required resources.-
usernamestringThe username attribute is used for basic authentication and provides the username to authenticate with either a Docker registry or a Git server.-
private_key_filestringThe private_key_file attribute is used to provide the path to the private key file used for authentication to a Git server.-
private_key_passwordstringHolds the password for the private key file, which can be used to authenticate to a Git server.-
git_ssh_userstringThe username to use when authenticating via SSH to a Git server.git
use_ssh_agentboolIt must be set to true when you allow using the ssh-agent to authenticate to the Git server.false

Credentials store

Store and retrieve credentials

Last modified April 24, 2023: create docs-v0.11 (331b058)