
Understand the multiple configuration options available in Stevedore

Stevedore configuration

Stevedore can load its configuration either from a local configuration file or environment variables.

Configuration from environment variables

When you want to use environment variables to define a Stevedore configuration parameter, you must create an environment variable with the same name as the parameter, and prefix it with STEVEDORE_. The environment variables must be uppercased.

For example, to define the images_path parameter as an environment variable, you must create the STEVEDORE_IMAGES_PATH variable.

Configuration from local configuration file

Stevedore looks for the user configuration on the listed files, and it does the following order that appears in the list:

  1. ./stevedore.yaml
  2. ~/.config/stevedore/stevedore.yaml
  3. ~/stevedore.yaml

However, you can load the configuration from a custom location using --config flag on stevedore CLI. Loading configuration from a custom location has precedence over any other configuration.

Create the configuration file

Stevedore CLI provides the command stevedore create configuration to create the configuration file. However, you can also make it manually. The command stevedore init, is an alias from the create configuration subcommand that is also available to generate the configuration file.

When you use the CLI to generate the configuration file, the outcome configuration is created at ./stevedore.yaml but you can indicate your desired location by the --config flag.

Stevedore credentials

Stevedore could store your Docker registry’s credentials and use them on your behalf during the building or promoting processes.

The default folder to store the credentials is ~/.config/stevedore/credentials. Nevertheless, you can define where to store the credentials by setting the docker_registry_credentials_dir parameter.

In case you use the CLI to create Stevedore’s configuration, you can also request to create Docker’s registry credentials.

Finally, with the CLI command stevedore create credentials, you can create as many credentials as you need.

Configuration parameters

The coming section describes all the Stevedore configuration parameters.


Desprecated configuration parameter, will be removed on version 0.12.0. Please use builders_path instead.

It specifies the file that Stevedore uses to look for the definition of the builders.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_BUILDER_PATH
  • Default value:
   builder_path: stevedore.yaml


It specifies the location path where Stevedore looks for the definition of the builders.

This can be a file or directory. If you configure a directory, Stevedore loads the builders defined in each file within the directory.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_BUILDERS_PATH
  • Default value:
   builders_path: stevedore.yaml


The builders block contains the global builders definition.

The location of the builder definitions is specified in builders_path. Stevedore looks for the builder definitions in the file or directory specified by builders_path. For more details, please see the reference guide.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_BUILDERS


Desprecated configuration parameter, will be removed on version 0.12.0. To build an image on cascade, please use the --cascade flag in the build command.

On build command, indicates whether to start to build children’s images once the image build finishes.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_BUILD_ON_CASCADE
  • Default value:
   build_on_cascade: false


This parameter sets the number of workers that Stevedore creates to build Docker images. Each worker corresponds to one image that can be built concurrently.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_CONCURRENCY
  • Default value: is the rounded integer value of the result of dividing the total number of CPUs by 4. For example, if the system has 16 CPUs, the default value would be 4.


The credentials configuration block defines the credentials store used to authenticate with external Docker registries or a Git server. You can set the following parameters for the credentials store:


The encryption_key parameter specifies the secret key used to encrypt and decrypt credentials. It is required to provide an encryption key when using envvars as the storage type for credentials.

  • Default value: null


The format used to store the credentials. Currently supported formats are JSON and YAML.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_CREDENTIALS_FORMAT
  • Default value: “json”


When you use the local credentials store, it defines the local folder where to store the credentials on disk.

  • Default value: “credentials”


The storage_type parameter defines the type of storage backend to use for persisting the credentials. Currently supported types are local and envvars.

  • Default value: “local”


Desprecated configuration parameter, will be removed on version 0.12.0. Refer to the credentials configuration block to know more about how to define the credentials parameters.

This option specifies the directory where Docker registry credentials are stored for persistence.

  • Default value:
    docker_registry_credentials_dir: ~/.config/stevedore/credentials


It is the configuration parameter that specifies the location where Stevedore searches for images definition.

It can be set to either a file or directory. When the images_path configuration parameter is set to a directory, Stevedore loads the definitions from all files within that directory

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_IMAGES_PATH
  • Default value:
   images_path: stevedore.yaml


Desprecated configuration parameter, will be removed on version 0.12.0. Please use images instead..

The images_tree block contains the images-tree, where are placed the images definition.

Stevedore looks for the images on the file set at images_path and loads the images defined under the images_tree key. For further information see the reference guide.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_IMAGES_TREE


The images block in the Stevedore configuration contains the image definitions.

Stevedore looks for these definitions in the file or directory set at images_path, and loads any images defined under the images key. For more information, please refer to the Stevedore reference guide.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_IMAGES


Is the configuration parameter that specifies the location of the log file.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_LOG_PATH
  • Default value:
    log_path: /dev/null


Desprecated configuration parameter, will be removed on version 0.12.0. Please use concurrency instead.

It defines the amount of workers to create to build images. That corresponds to the number of images that can be built concurrently.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_NUM_WORKERS
  • Default value: is the rounded integer value of the result of dividing the total number of CPUs by 4. For example, if the system has 16 CPUs, the default value would be 4.


The push_images configuration parameter specifies whether Stevedore should automatically push the built images to the registry after the build process is complete.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_PUSH_IMAGES
  • Default value:
    push_images: true


When set to true, Stevedore generates additional tags based on the semantic version tree tags, if the main image tag is compliant with semantic version 2.0.0.

  • Default value:
    semantic_version_tags_enabled: false


It is a list of templates that are used to generate additional tags when the semantic_version_tags_enabled configuration parameter is enabled and the main image tag is semver 2.0.0 compliant.

  • Default value:
    - "{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}.{{ .Patch }}"


Desprecated configuration parameter, will be removed on version 0.12.0. Please use images_path instead.

Is the images’ tree location path.

  • Environment variable: STEVEDORE_TREE_PATH
  • Default value:
    tree_path: stevedore.yaml

Configuration example

Here you have an example with all the parameters available

builders_path: stevedore.yaml
    driver: docker
        - path: /apps
  storage_type: local
  local_storage_path: /etc/stevedore/credentials
  format: json
  encryption_key: thatisadummyencryptionkey
docker_registry_credentials_dir: ~/.config/stevedore/credentials
images_path: stevedore.yaml
      name: "{{ .Name }}"
      version: "{{ .Version }}"
      registry: registry.stevedore.test
      builder: apps
log_path: /var/log/stevedore.log
concurrency: 4
push_images: true
semantic_version_tags_enabled: true
  - "{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}.{{ .Patch }}"
Last modified December 27, 2023: markdown linter (c2b6160)