Command line interface

This page shows the Stevedore’s available commands


Stevedore command to build images.

  stevedore build <image> [flags]

stevedore build ubuntu-base --image-version impish --tag 21.10 --pull-parent-image --push-after-build --remove-local-images-after-push

      --ansible-connection-local                     When this flag is enabled, ansible uses local connection [only applies to ansible-playbook driver]
      --ansible-intermediate-container-name string   Name of an intermediate container that can be used during ansible build process [only applies to ansible-playbook driver]
      --ansible-inventory-path string                Specify inventory hosts' path or comma separated list of hosts [only applies to ansible-playbook driver]
      --ansible-limit string                         Further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern [only applies to ansible-playbook driver]
      --build-on-cascade                             When this flag is enabled, children images are also built
      --builder-name string                          [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'ansible-intermediate-container-name' instead of 'builder-name'
      --cascade                                      [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'build-on-cascade' instead of 'cascade'
      --cascade-depth int                            Number children levels to build when build on cascade is executed (default -1)
      --concurrency int                              Number of images builds that can be excuted at the same time
      --connection-local                             [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'ansible-connection-local' instead of 'connection-local'
      --dry-run                                      When this flag is enabled, the built is executed in dry-run mode
      --enable-semver-tags                           When this flag is enabled, and main version is semver 2.0.0 compliance extra tag are created based on the semantic version tree
  -h, --help                                         help for build
      --image-from string                            [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'image-from-name' instead of 'image-from'
  -I, --image-from-name string                       Image parent's name (default "-")
  -N, --image-from-namespace string                  Image parent's registry namespace (default "-")
  -R, --image-from-registry string                   Image parent's registry host (default "-")
  -V, --image-from-version string                    Image parent's version (default "-")
  -i, --image-name string                            Image name. Its value overrides the name on the images tree definition (default "-")
  -r, --image-registry-host string                   Image registry host (default "-")
  -n, --image-registry-namespace string              Image namespace (default "-")
  -v, --image-version strings                        List of versions to build
      --inventory string                             [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'ansible-inventory-path' instead of 'inventory'
  -l, --label strings                                List of labels to assign to the image
      --limit string                                 [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'ansible-limit' instead of 'limit'
      --namespace string                             [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'image-registry-namespace' instead of 'namespace'
      --no-push                                      [DEPRECATED FLAG] 'no-push' is the stevedore default behaviour, use --push-after-build to push an image
      --num-workers int                              [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'concurrency' instead of 'num-workers'
  -L, --persistent-label strings                     List of persistent labels to set during the build process. Persistent labels inherited from parent has precedence over the current ones. The format of each variable must be <key>=<value>
  -p, --persistent-variable strings                  List of persistent variables to set during the build process. Persistent variable inherited from parent has precedence over the current ones. The format of each variable must be <key>=<value>
      --pull-parent-image                            When this flag is enabled, parent image is pulled from docker registry
      --push-after-build                             When this flag is enabled, the image is pushed to docker registry after the build
      --registry string                              [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'image-registry-host' instead of 'registry'
      --remove-local-images-after-push               When this flag is enabled, images are removed from local after push
  -T, --semver-tags-template strings                 List of templates to generate tags following semantic version expression
      --set strings                                  [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'variable' instead of 'set'
      --set-persistent strings                       [DEPRECATED FLAG] use 'persistent-variable' instead of 'set-persistent'
  -t, --tag strings                                  List of extra tags to generate
      --use-docker-normalized-name                   Use Docker normalized name references
  -x, --variable strings                             Variables to set during the build process. The format of each variable must be <key>=<value>

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode


Stevedore command to generate shell completions. Here you could find more details about the completion.

  stevedore completion [flags]

  -h, --help   help for completion

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode

To load stevedore completion run

$ . <(stevedore completion)

To configure your bash shell to load completions for each session add to your bashrc

# ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile
. <(stevedore completion)


Stevedore command to create items.

  stevedore create [flags]
  stevedore create [command]

  create, generate

Available Commands:
  configuration Stevedore subcommand to create and initizalize the configuration
  credentials   Stevedore subcommand to create a credentials badge to credentials store

  -h, --help   help for create

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode

Use "stevedore create [command] --help" for more information about a command.

create configuration

Stevedore subcommand to create and initialize the configuration.

  stevedore create configuration [flags]

  configuration, config, conf, cfg


Example setting all configuration parameters:
  stevedore create configuration --builders-path /builders --concurrency 4 --config /stevedore-config.yaml --credentials-format json --credentials-local-storage-path /credentials --credentials-storage-type local --enable-semver-tags --force --images-path /images --log-path-file /logs --push-images --semver-tags-template "{{ .Major }}" --semver-tags-template "{{ .Major }}_{{ .Minor }}"

  -b, --builders-path string                    It defines the path to locate the builders definition. Its default value is 'stevedore.yaml' (default "stevedore.yaml")
  -c, --concurrency int                         It defines the number of concurrent workers created to build images. Its default value is '4' (default 4)
  -C, --config string                           Configuration file location path
      --credentials-encryption-key string       Is the encryption key used on the credentials store
      --credentials-format string               Format used to store credentials. The accepted formats are: json and yaml (default "json")
      --credentials-local-storage-path string   When is used the 'local' storage, it defines the path to store the credentials. Its default value is 'credentials' (default "credentials")
      --credentials-storage-type string         It defines the storage type. Its default value is 'local' (default "local")
  -s, --enable-semver-tags                      Generate extra tags when the main image tags is semver 2.0.0 compliance. Its default value is 'false'
      --force                                   Force to create configuration file when the file already exists
      --generate-credentials-encryption-key     It creates a random encryption key for the credentials store
  -h, --help                                    help for configuration
  -i, --images-path string                      It defines the path to locate the images definition. Its default value is 'stevedore.yaml' (default "stevedore.yaml")
  -l, --log-path-file string                    Log file location path. Its default value is ''
  -p, --push-images                             On build, push images automatically after it finishes. Its default value is 'false'
  -t, --semver-tags-template strings            List of templates which define those extra tags to generate when 'semantic_version_tags_enabled' is enabled. Its default value is '[{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}.{{ .Patch }}]' (default [{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}.{{ .Patch }}])

Global Flags:
      --debug   Enable debug mode

create credentials

Stevedore subcommand to add a credential to the credentials store.

  stevedore create credentials [flags]

  credentials, auth, badge


Create credentials to authenticate through basic auth into a private registry:
  stevedore create credentials myregistry --username username

Create credentials to achieve credentials from AWS ECR using the default credentials chain:
  stevedore create credentials ecr-host --aws-region eu-west-1 --aws-use-default-credentials-chain

      --allow-use-ssh-agent                    When this flag is enabled, is allowed to use ssh-agent
      --ask-private-key-password               When this flag is enabled, you will be asked for a private key password
      --aws-access-key-id string               AWS Access Key ID to achieve credentials from AWS to achieve credentials from AWS. AWS Secret asked key is going to be requested
      --aws-profile string                     AWS Profile to achieve credentials from AWS
      --aws-region string                      AWS Region to achieve credentials from AWS
      --aws-role-arn string                    AWS Role ARN to achieve credentials from AWS
      --aws-shared-config-files strings        List of AWS shared config files to achieve credentials from AWS
      --aws-shared-credentials-files strings   List AWS shared credentials files to achieve credentials from AWS
      --aws-use-default-credentials-chain      When is used that flag, AWS default credentials chain is used to achieve credentials from AWS
  -d, --credentials-dir string                 [DEPRECATED FLAG] 'credentials-dir' is deprecated and will be ignored. Credentials parameters are set through the 'credentials' section of the configuration file or using the flag 'local-storage-path'
      --force                                  When this flag is enabled, credentials creation is forced. It overwrites the existing value
      --git-ssh-user string                    Git SSH User
  -h, --help                                   help for credentials
      --local-storage-path string              Path where credentials are stored locally, using local storage type
      --private-key-file string                Private Key File
  -r, --registry-host string                   [DEPRECATED FLAG] credentials id must be passed as command argument instead of using 'registry-host' flag
      --username string                        Username for basic auth method. Password is going to be requested

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode


Stevedore command to get items information.

  stevedore get [flags]
  stevedore get [command]

  get, list

Available Commands:
  builders      Stevedore subcommand to get builders information
  configuration Stevedore subcommand to get configuration information
  credentials   Stevedore subcommand to get credentials information
  images        Stevedore subcommand that show detail about images definition

  -h, --help   help for get

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode

Use "stevedore get [command] --help" for more information about a command.

get builders

Stevedore subcommand to get builders information.

  stevedore get builders [flags]

  builders, builder, b


Get builder filtered by name:
  stevedore get images --filter name=golang-app

Get builder filtered by driver:
  stevedore get images --filter driver=docker

  -f, --filter strings   List of filters to apply. Filters must be defined on the following format: <attribute>=<value>
  -h, --help             help for builders

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode

get configuration

Stevedore subcommand to get configuration information.

  stevedore get configuration [flags]

  configuration, config, conf, cfg


  stevedore get configuration

  -h, --help   help for configuration

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode

get credentials

Stevedore subcommand to get credentials information.

  stevedore get credentials [flags]

  credentials, auth, auths, cred, creds, credential

    stevedore get credentials

  -h, --help           help for credentials
      --show-secrets   When this flag is enabled, the output provide secrets

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode

get images

Stevedore subcommand that shows detail about the defined images.

  stevedore get images [flags]

  images, image, i, img


Get images filtered by name:
  stevedore get images --filter name=app1

Get images filtered by registry:
  stevedore get images --filter registry=registry.test

  -f, --filter strings               List of filters to apply. Filters must be defined on the following format: <attribute>=<value>
  -h, --help                         help for images
  -t, --tree                         When this flag is enabled, output is returned in tree format
      --use-docker-normalized-name   Use Docker normalized name references

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode


Stevedore init command is an alias for stevedore create configuration command.


Stevedore command to promote, publish or copy images to a docker registry or namespace.

  stevedore promote [flags]

  promote, publish, copy

stevedore promote ubuntu:impish --romote-image-registry --promote-image-namespace mynamespace

  -D, --dry-run                                              Dry run promotion
  -S, --enable-semver-tags                                   When this flag is enabled, and main version is semver 2.0.0 compliance extra tag are created based on the semantic version tree
  -s, --force-promote-source-image                           When this flag is enabled, the source image is also promoted, along with any other target image
  -h, --help                                                 help for promote
  -i, --promote-image-name string                            Target image name (default "-")
  -r, --promote-image-registry-host string                   Target image registry host (default "-")
  -n, --promote-image-registry-namespace string              Target image registry mamespace (default "-")
  -t, --promote-image-tag strings                            List of target image tags
      --remove-local-images-after-push                       When this flag is enabled, images are removed from local after push
      --remove-promote-tags remove-local-images-after-push   [DEPRECATED FLAG] use remove-local-images-after-push instead of `remove-promote-tags`
  -T, --semver-tags-template strings                         List templates to generate tags following semantic version expression
      --use-docker-normalized-name                           Use Docker normalized name references
  -R, --use-source-image-from-remote                         When this flag is enabled, source images is downloaded from remote Docker registry

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode


Stevedore command to print the binary release version.

  stevedore version [flags]

  -h, --help   help for version

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string   Configuration file location path
      --debug           Enable debug mode
Last modified April 14, 2023: review reference-guide (a3374df)